ideal society ensures that even the weakest can reproduce. therefore ideal society contradicts survival of the fittest, only the strongest survive... but what is this save yourself, me first, only the strongest survive in society? doesnt make sense. in ideal society, the strong protect the weak... as pompous as that sounds, but in ideal society the strong do not go around asserting their strength over the weak just to re-affirm their strength. no not at all, strength is strong when its able to belittle but strength is stronger when its proud to be little... so the truly strong instead ought and do, in ideal society, use their strength to empower the weak so that the entire chain becomes stronger, so that all are strong. it is harder to do for a society whose successful individuals, that is, those who are survivors, those who have found and secured their niche in society are emitting a do it yourself, sink or swim, disengaged energy. confusion. i hear truth in doing for others. i hear truth in compassion for others. i hear truth in intimate interconnectedness that must never be forgotten nor betrayed. some live for others and to strengthen society, that is, to make society better! while others live for self and only to survive in society. confusion. i envision a logic that says find self in others. find self in that which is world, universe, that which is all. take care of world, universe, all and world, universe, all will take care of self... drop in the ocean, ocean in the drop. self does for all and does for an all that includes self. all is self encompassing. a one that is all encompassing. but what better way to take care of all than to let every one take care of own self? this will take care of all and rid all of the ones who cant take care of own self. and itd be this way instead of some doing for all and others doing just for self. or let it be that every one does for a self encompassing all. if it is not one or the other, it will continue to be that those who are doing for all are doing also for those who are doing for self. does this sound just? does this sound fair? the ones doing for all include in their all the ones doing for self, the ones doing not for all. wo es reciprocity? wo es shared responsibility? wo es compassion among the ones doing for self for the ones struggling to not do for self and choose instead to do for all? wo es understanding among the ones doing for self that doing for all is doing for self? but still not so clear, i also see doing for self is doing for all. each one included in all must be taken care of one at a time and individually in order to take care of all. take care of all without taking care of one self at a time? idealistic? maybe. maybe not. i can ask for my crooked finger to be made straight but then, after it is straightened i will ask to have my other finger straightened. then, i will ask to have my stretch marks removed. then, i will ask for my toes to look better... but why dont i at first just ask for all of me to be perfect? still, let it be that each one takes care of self... this is me being and doing for self. im finna do me, fuck errbody else. the only reason anyone would mind me is if i can help them secure their own survival, the thriving kind. they want for their own benefit access to something that i have, some trade, some skill, some power, some knowledge, some piece. or, theyd mind me if i were a threat to their survival, which means now they are a threat to mine. they are my enemy. and what better way to beat one's enemy than to kill it? me no raise snake to get bitten. im focused. im g bout my bizness. mind yo own cause i mind mine. and get yours cause im finna get mine. god bless the child that can take care of himself. and i will do it by my gotdamn self. im in control. my way. im gon make it happen. and youre gonna love me. now i grind. burn bridges except to the ones that can do for me. no friendships and fuck love cause lovell get you killed. get money or get nothing. i hustle. i do it on my own, i look out only for me, and i get money. im bout me. and no need to shine, im on the low wit mine. cause once they know, they plottin ta get it. selfish, but i survive.
this is me doing for all. o little o me i am no one special, i just want to help others, in any way that i can. i give my self, back. i give my life, back. the self, the life thats been given me as gift i give back grateful thankful for having been given, and given such gifts. i will put others before me, always, and without reserve. they will take advantage, but i will give anyway. i will trust. they will betray. but i will trust anyway. i will be enclosed in my disclosure. open to understanding. still growing in silence. i will lose self in others. i will be no self. i will not judge, but only observe and take note. i will do no harm. i will be kind. i will be filled with compassion. and being nice will be natural. i will love! and love with passion! i will forgive. and with grace and mercy. but i will be just. i will be fair. all of this i will strive to become. it will be hard but i will struggle. then, i will die.
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