? ??????????????All I Ever Wanted? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.0 (4 Ratings)??5 Grabs Today. 3513 Total Grabs. ?
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

becoming like a child (11.21.2006)

to be right alone? or wrong with you? and confusion reveals itself to me when i am to love my neighbor unconditionally as you have loved me... but what if they are wrong? as i am so often and still, you love me... and desire to be with me... oh! to desire as you!

stand up! for self if self is right in the midst of others who are wrong! stand up! for others, even if theyre wrong! include self in others especially when they are wrong and be with them and be wrong! for to stand with and beside someone because you love them has nothing to do with right or wrong! you stand with and beside them because you love them... and you love them no matter the condition of right or wrong! you stand with and beside them because you love them... and you love them unconditionally!

oh! resolve this contradiction! unless it is non-contradiction and it is only me that is mud in clear water!